
2024-2025 Student Registration
We are excited to announce our Online Registration Process for 2024-2025. Listed below are the requirements for student registration. This year’s registration fee is $100 per student.
For Returning Families:
Parents/guardians completing the registration process including the online registration process, returning all required forms, and providing proof of residency by June 28, 2024 will be eligible for an early registration fee of $50. Please see the attached directions to complete the Online Registration Process through our Infinite Campus portal.
For New Families:
This year's registration fee is $100 per student regardless of when you register.
Proof of Residency Requirements
Per the Administrative Procedures for Board Policy 7:160 Student Residency, all families must provide proof of residency within the district. All Parents/Guardians will need to complete the following forms with proof of residency. You can return your registration packet information including your proof of residency documentation two ways: (1) In the provided envelope return the completed paperwork/documentation OR (2) Return all completed paperwork/documentation to the Main Office.

Parents/Guardians that own or rent in Hillside School District 93
Complete the Online Registration Process via Infinite Campus
Complete the Residency Form and provide proof of residency documentation (Proofs can be submitted/uploaded during Online Registration process) (leases must be notarized)
Complete the Student Yearly Health Information Sheet
Pay the Registration Fee via Infinite Campus
Parents/Guardians that lives with another person residing in Hillside School District 93 (Please contact the school to obtain the additional form in bold type)
Complete the Online Registration Process via Infinite Campus
Complete the Residency Form and provide proof of residency documentation (Proofs can be submitted/uploaded during Online Registration process)
Complete the Student Residency Affidavit- Resident must provide proof of residency (notarization required)
Complete the Student Yearly Health Information Sheet
Pay the Registration Fee via Infinite Campus
Parents/Guardians of student residing with another person who has been given custody of the student and Resides in the District (Please contact the school to obtain the additional forms in bold type)
Complete the Online Registration Process via Infinite Campus
Complete the Residency Form and provide proof of residency documentation (Proofs can be submitted/uploaded during Online Registration process)
Complete the Student Residency Affidavit
Parent/Guardian of student residing with another person who has been given custody and resides in the district (notarization required)
Person (Non-Parent) who asserts that student lives with him/her within the district (notarization required)
Complete the Student Yearly Health Information Sheet
Pay the Registration Fee via Infinite Campus
*The state of Illinois requires all students entering sixth grade have the following medical requirements on file: Current school physical; Proof of current T-dap vaccine; Proof of two varicella (chicken pox) vaccine; Proof of MCV4 (meningitis vaccine); and Current Dental exam. All students entering second grade require a current dental exam.
Returning Family Registration Instructions
New Family Registration Instructions
New Family Online Registration Page
McKinney - Vento
If you have questions regarding the education of homeless children, please contact District 93 main office or Homeless liaison, Ms. Dockens:
Phone: (708) 449-6490