School Dress Code


In order to enhance the Hillside School learning environment, the Board of Education has adopted a school uniform policy for student dress.

Allowable Shirts

Color:  White, Light Blue, Navy

Style:  Short or long sleeved oxford or knit polo style shirts.


  •     Must have a collar, however, turtlenecks or mock turtlenecks can be worn.

  •     Absolutely no T-Shirts may be worn. See “Special Days”.

  •     Camisoles or undergarments should not be exposed.

Allowable Shorts/Pants/Skirts

Color:  Navy

Style:  Uniform shorts, pants, or capris with or without a cuff.  Skorts, Skirts, Jumpers may also be worn.


  •     Shorts, skirts, or skorts must be no shorter than 4 inches above the knee.

  •     Shorts must not be longer than the top of the kneecap.

  •     All shorts and pants must be worn at the waist.

  •     Absolutely no denim (blue jean material) pants or skirts are permitted.

  •     Solid colored (black, navy, gray or white) leggings may be worn under appropriate length uniform apparel.

  •     Pants/slacks cannot drag the ground.

Sweaters/Sweatshirts/Sweater Vests

Color:  White, Light Blue, Gray, Black, or Navy

Styles: School uniform cardigans, sweaters, and Hillside School sweatshirts without a hood, are appropriate accessories on colder days when worn over a school uniform shirt

  •     NO LOGOS or Trademark outerwear

  •     Must be solid colored; no pictures or writing


  •     Gym shoes may be worn and must be laced and tied at all times.

  •     Dress shoes must be closed toe and closed heel.

  •     For safety, absolutely no high heels, flip flops, slides, sandals, “heelys” (roller shoes), or platform shoes.

  •     Boots must be removed upon arrival to school.  Students must change into appropriate footwear during the school day.


  •     Jewelry may not be worn in PE.

  •     Hats, bandanas, headscarves, sweatbands, sunglasses, jackets and gloves are to be removed upon entering the building and remain in student lockers during the day.

Special Days:

“Hillside School Spirit Wear Day”: On Fridays, the students will be able to wear Hillside School apparel with their school uniform pants, shorts, or skirts.  Apparel may be purchased at different times of the year through various Hillside School organizations.  The only “hoodie” that will be allowed are the ones purchased through the various Hillside School organizations.

Picture Day(s):  The students are expected to “dress up” on Picture Day or wear their school uniform.  Students not dressed appropriately will NOT be permitted to have their picture taken that day.

Students who chronically violate the dress code will be required to make arrangements immediately for appropriate clothing before returning to class.   If arrangements cannot be made for appropriate clothing, the student will be issued a minor referral (See page 53) or be provided with alternate clothing. One or more of the following consequences may occur, but are not limited to: Verbal warning (correction), Student conference, Parent contact, Social Work Referral, Student contract, Team intervention, Conflict resolution or AM/PM detention. These dress guidelines will be in effect every school day, except if determined otherwise by the administration.  

School administration reserves the right to enforce or make changes as deemed necessary.  If you have any questions regarding the school uniform guidelines, please call the school (708) 449-6491.