Jen McGuire, Assistant Principal
Hello! I am so incredibly proud to say that this is my 27th year at Hillside School! The first five years I was a Special Educator and an administrator for the rest. I cannot put into words how much I love being part of this community. Over the years many have become like family. We now have former students that have their own children walking the same hallways they once walked themselves! It is truly an honor to watch so many young children become such successful, responsible adults over the years.
At Hillside, we are committed to provide your children the best foundation for the real world. We have endless resources to meet a variety of needs. Among the academic needs we also provide opportunities to assist with social emotional needs. We want to introduce and give our students as many opportunities as possible. Whether it is athletics, Student Council, or the arts, we will make sure they will find something they will be able proud to be a part of.
That's the Blue Way!
Here's to a great year! :)

Jen McGuire
Assistant Principal
“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
- Maya Angelou