Strategic Plan

Core Values

Hillside School District 93 approved a new 5-Year Strategic Plan on February 8, 2023. We thank our Strategic Planning Committee for their input and contributions to developing the new five-year Plan 2023-2028. The Plan was created by a Steering Committee comprising staff, parents, administrators, Village of Hillside representatives, community members, and Board of Education members, with further review by the Board of Education. A survey and focus groups were held to gather input on the plan's development.

The Plan covers Five fundamental Values, with goals and subsequent indicators, strategies, and targets developed for each purpose. Action Plans were developed for each goal area measures of success. Annual updates will be provided to the community.

5 Year Strategic Plan with Committee Members 2023-2028

What is a Strategic Plan?

A Strategic Plan is a method for determining and executing plans for future growth and change.  Driven by the vision of staff and community members, Strategic Planning results in a common purpose, a common sense of direction, priorities for change and a blueprint for action. The Board of Education has final authority over the implementation of the Strategic Plan, which is reviewed annually to monitor progress and address priority planning for the future.

HSD 93 Strategic Plan - Long Range Planning VIDEO

Previous Hillside School District 93 Strategic Plan 2016- 2021